Why do I have fines on my Library account?


If you haven't returned the materials you borrowed from the library, fines will be assessed assessed as follows:

  • Books: $0.25 per day, per item. Not to exceed $20 per item.

  • Reserve items: $1.00 per hour, per item.

  • CDs/DVDs: $1.00 per day, per item. Not to exceed $25 per item.

  • Lost or damaged books: $20 processing fee plus cost of book based on vendor price.

  • Lost, unreturned, or damaged laptops and hotspots will incur the full price of these items and students will be responsible for their replacement.

Overdue items will be assessed a fine. The ability to obtain grades, transcripts, and register for classes may be affected by not clearing fines and/or returning items that are overdue.

  • Last Updated Feb 03, 2022
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Rachel Cassiman

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